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Clothes have a resonance, they react sympathetically with what we are as persons. In this view, can we call them paronymous to our embracement of the world around? As we take shapes in every situation so does the attire we wear. It is never really finished, it is always longing to be something else, to acquire a pattern, like the piece of a puzzle, which doesn’t have an established form. 

Free-noises, always coming from unknown origins, sometimes without nothing to plug in and extract the source of the future sound…these are the clothes which fit in the inside, of everyone who is willing to accept and meet his own distortions and incompleteness. A disharmonic instrument untuned to the society and yet adjusted in tonality to the individual material. We can call it spirit, can we? The free unconventional shaped spirit in the urban indifference, free-individual appearing dressed in himself.

Untuned Frequencies


Intersection at sharp angles

/feel/ interconnected, yet release the strings

                     that pull in the same direction

Disonata in RE Major

Concrete Kimono


Raw embracement with yourself

Untuned Frequencies project took shape with the help of:


Apparel             | CraXittude by Georgiana Stegaru

Photographer    | Andrei Alexandru

Photo Studio     | Studio Oltin

Personas           | Alexa Juvina & Antonia Antonia             


Makeup             |  Aine Bianca

Graphic Design  | Ema Voinescu   

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